
What a gathering that will be

For just a moment, I want you to mentally visualize the largest assembly you’ve ever witnessed. Perhaps it ...


The Words of Life

At one time, as recorded in John 6:60-65, the disciples of Jesus complained that what Jesus was teaching ...


A Patron Saint For Baptists

It’s a new day in book-reading since audiobooks and podcasts abound. And many bibliophiles now prefer e-books. Bookshelves ...


Faith Community Calendar

* Each Wednesday night during the month of September at 6 p.m., Evangelist Johnny Jernigan will be teaching ...


What is success?

By Dean Kelly Harold is a multi-millionaire. He owns a Fortune 500 company. He flies from one of ...


All dressed up with no place to go

By Michael J. Brooks I showered and dressed on a recent Saturday and drove to nearby Hoover for ...


Faith Community Calendar

* Mark Byron will be the guest speaker at Greenville First Assembly of God Sunday, Sept. 22 at ...


Days that changed the world

By Dean Kelly We know of days that have changed the world on a large scale. History describes ...


Pretty deep for a boy of God

By Michael J. Brooks I’ve written good-natured laments in recent months about young preachers. I was one and ...


Faith Community Calendar

* The Butler County Civic League will present Youth Empowerment 2024 on Sept. 14 at 2 p.m. at ...

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