
Talk is cheap – Discipleship takes commitment

We all know this to be true. It is easy to talk about what you will or should ...


It Looks Good On The Shelf

either one from their libraries or a copy of one they found encouraging. I think this tradition is ...


What About Your Dash?

Have you ever walked through a cemetery and read gravestones? While most would find such locations spooky at ...


Handle Adversity Like Job

By Dean Kelly I wish I could handle things like Job did. This man recorded in the Bible ...


Godly fathers love like Jesus

Fatherhood is an awesome privilege and responsibility. Frankly, biblical fatherhood is more than biologically having a child. There ...


Happy Father’s Day

As Father’s Day approaches, we are given the opportunity to pay tribute to those who have come before ...


A Real Nowhere Land

It was territory I’d not seen before — the mountains of North Carolina. The mapping app took me ...


Falling prostrate – On messing up

“What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve said from the pulpit?” he asked. It was a strange question, but ...


Preacher, that was a Good Sermon!

After the worship service concludes, I often hear, “That was a good sermon, preacher.”  I find joy in ...


God gives grace to the humble

Someone once said, “The greatest of my many virtues is my humility!” He probably meant it as a ...

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