
Nine fortune cookies 

By R.A. Mathews The plastic-wrapped cookies fill a big bowl in my local Chinese restaurant. There is no ...


What About The Dash?

By Michael J. Brooks We saw Mt. Rushmore last year, taking a day trip after helping our son ...


A lifestyle of giving thanks

By Dean Kelly – Minister, Highland Home Church of Christ  One November nearly 40 years ago I was ...


Christ the King Sunday

By Rev. Dunford Cole – Pastor of Camp Ground / Rutledge Methodist Church On Sunday, Nov. 26, the ...


A Heart Filled With Thankfulness

By Dunford Cole – Pastor of Camp Ground / Rutledge Methodist Church May the Grace of the Lord ...


The Comparison Game

By Michael J. Brooks  Comparisons can be instructive and memorable. Jesus often used comparisons in teaching. For example, ...


The place to go in times of tragedy

By R.A. Tea Mathews  The man was a truly gifted teacher—a pastor who loved Scripture and encouraged participation ...


Stick a fork in it

By R.A. Tea Mathews Last week, the window on the driver’s side of my vehicle stopped rolling down. ...


The Vision Thing – Forcing us to excellence

By Michael J. Brooks I’ve never forgotten where the Apostle Paul had his famous Macedonian vision after Dr. ...


Healing from the Reeling of Rejection

By R.A. Mathews Have you ever had one of those weeks when it seems everyone was critical of ...

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