Don#039;t set a bad example, keep campagins clean
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 17, 2002
This has been an exciting week for Greenville and for South Central Alabama. The announcement that Hyundai has chosen Hope Hull as the site for their next manufacturing plant has public officials and residents of the area excited about the fact that soon there will be "Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!"
The fact that Kentucky was caught up in a land battle made all the difference in the world in Alabama getting the new plant, and although, it is a loss for the residents of that state, it's a gain for us.
This area has been hurting for some time with the closings of so many companies in this area, and this was a boost not only for government officials, but for the people in this area.
But, this just didn't happen overnight. So many people throughout Alabama have worked hard to help entice the company in locating here. Everyone who worked so hard on this, including Gov. Siegelman, Sen. Richard Shelby, Rep. Charles Newton, Sen. Wendell Mitchell, Mayor Dexter McLendon, Director of the Butler County Commission for Economic Development Ricky McLaney, and many others, deserve our gratitude.
The people of Alabama also deserve recognition. The reputation of hard-working Alabamians who are skilled and ready to work is what brought this company here. Without the workforce of this area, this would never have happened. It is a prime example of both Alabama residents and officials working together to better the state.
And, of course, we are highly appreciative of the people of Hyundai for recognizing that Alabama will provide them with the absolute best service and workforce in the country.
Hyundai President B.M. Ahn and other executives have been in the area this week to visit with all the people who helped in making this happen. Last night, while I was watching the evening news, I saw a commercial for Charles Bishop for governor that just made me want to crawl under the table.
The commercial featured three men as mud wrestlers with masks disguised as Gov. Don Siegelman, Lt. Gov. Steve Windom and Rep. Bob Riley. The general context of the commercial was that these three men who are running for governor are
mud-slingers' and are not concerned for the best for Alabama.
I thought to myself, "What would Mr. Ahn think if he saw this commercial? What kind of tone is Charles Bishop setting for politics, and specifically the governor's race, in Alabama?"
Dirty politics is not what we need in Alabama
we've seen it in the past, and it is not what we need in our future. Dirty politics is not what is going to continue to bring industries to Alabama, and those running for office need to remember that. These types of commercials are in very bad taste, and I'm sure Mr. Ahn was not impressed upon seeing such.
Candidates for office need to take responsibility for their own actions, not the actions of their opponents.