‘Gentleman Jim,’ a rare individual
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, July 2, 2003
There is a little good in everyone, albeit there are times when a thorough search for it in some persons is like the old saying, &uot;the game is&uot;-hardly-&uot;worth the candle.&uot;
Conversely, there is a lot of good in others, making a visit in their company &uot;a joy forever.&uot;
The latter-type personage is as &uot;rare as a day in June,&uot; when perfection blossoms and thrives like a living, pulsating and delectable thing.
Greenville, the Camellia City, was the proud possessor of such an individual as described in the above paragraph.
His outlook on life was borne out by the philosophy he held near and dear to his heart.
He noted that, when in his ever-present logical, reasoning mind, he described succinctly his abiding credo for this life.
&uot;You never chase after money-you simply render a service to the best of your ability-folks will recognize your sincerity, will appreciate your efforts in their behalf-and thus the repeat business, without active solicitation on your part, is there for you if you will simply oblige.&uot;
The gentleman has, for almost a century, held fast to his beliefs, and thus he has been, and will be remembered kindly in the years to come.
He cut through all strata-religious, educational, social-you name it-and has emerged a shining example of rectitude.
He shot straight and true-from the shoulder, directly into the heart of any and all the varied problems and questions of philosophical mien that crossed his path.
It was on a Saturday that this paragon of simple truth and directness celebrated the 99th anniversary of his birth.
We are speaking, of course, of Jim Herbert, whose family and friends held an open reception for him at his residence. The occasion was a funeral visitation.
His visitors were many, from the highest to the lowest of estates hereabouts.
Jim Herbert, a black man of genuine integrity, was visited by black and white alike. Cordiality, like a reversible coat, was worn by all attending.
We at the Advocate pattern our behavior after the example set by gentleman Jim, and keep the welcome mat of cordiality swept clean at our doorstep at all times.
Buster MacGuire is copy editor and columnist for the Greenville Advocate.
He may be reached by calling 334.382.3111.