November 18
Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 20, 2004
Ready to learn workshop
Parents, teachers and caregivers are invited to attend a "Math is Everywhere" Workshop presented by the Greenville campus of
Lurleen B. Wallace Community College
in cooperation with Alabama Public Television from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. on tonight in Room 19.
The workshop is a part of the Ready To Learn service provided by Alabama Public Television. Through an orientation to the Ready To Learn Learning Triangle as the foundation, participants learn to use the television as an active learning tool by extending the viewing to books and activities and other educational and web-site resources available through Alabama Public Television.
This workshop helps parents, teachers, and caregivers become involved with their children’s learning and development through viewing, doing, and reading. Participants will receive free books and other materials to help children develop math skills.
Participants will also receive information about the new Child Development Degree offered by LBW Community College.
For more information or to register contact Elizabeth Page, Child Development Instructor, at 382-2133, extension 2309 or
All participants must register by Nov. 10.
There will be no on-site registration.
The workshop is provided as a free service by LBWCC and APTV.
November 20
Flea Market
A flea market will be held beginning at 6 a.m. Saturday at the Petrey Community Center and will continue until the last customer is gone.
While customers shop they can buy food including sausage and biscuits, hotdogs, soft drinks and cake.
Advance tickets for Boston Butts can be purchase for $15 each by calling Tommy Petrey at 335-5743.
The Boston Butts will be ready to be picked up on the day of the Flea Market.
Camp stew will also be sold, as well as whole cakes, pies, other sweets, and all types of items you would expect at a Flea Market.
Donations are being received from now until then. Call Curtis Petrey to drop off donations
at 335-6700 or call Tommy Petrey if you need someone to pick up your donations at 335-5743.
Benefit Campstew Sale
Friends and South Luverne Baptist Church are pre-selling campstew to benefit Nolan Beasley, who was injured in a car wreck earlier this year.
The campstew must be reserved by Nov. 17. The cost for a quart is $5 and can be picked up from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. Saturday at the home of David Coggins located at 434 East 10th Street in Luverne.
To place an order contact David Coggins at 335-4913 or Calvin Bowden at 335-6602.
Benefit Singing
A benefit singing will be held at 5 p.m. Saturday evening for Mrs. Verbie Brodeway at the Rutledge Town Hall.
Featured singers are Lonnie McGough and Becky and "The Gospel Sounds."
Everyone is invited to attend.
Campstew Sale
Vidette Community Center will be holding a campstew sale at 2 p.m. Saturday.
For more information call Dianne Weaver at 335-6815.
November 21
Historical Society Meeting
The Crenshaw County Historical Society will meet at 2 p.m. Sunday at Becky Welch's home located on Milton Road just South of Ivy Creek Church.
The program will be a tour of the Milton Homestead, which is a real journey into the past.
Directions are as follows: Go west past Rutledge approximately 1 1/2 miles on Hwy. 10, turn left on County Hwy. 77, travel 2 1/2 miles, turn left on County Hwy. 9, travel 1.3 miles, turn right on Milton Road just south of Ivy Creek Church, Homestead is 1/4 miles on the right.
Holiday Worship Service
The Crenshaw County Community-wide Thanksgiving worship service will be held at
6 p.m. Sunday at Luverne Methodist Church.
Everyone is invited to attend.
November 23
Grandparents Day
Crenshaw Christian Academy will celebrate Grandparent's Day at 10:30 a.m. on Nov. 23.
All grandparents are invited.
November 26
Gospel Concert
The Dixie Echoes from Pensacola, Fla. will be in concert on at 7 p.m. on Nov. 26 at Country Cathedral located on U.S. Hwy. 84 east of Opp.
No admission will be charged, but a love offering will be received.
Also singing will be gospel in song artist Blood Brought, Derek Snellgrove and Smooth Gospel.
For more information call 334-493-7413.
November 27
Appreciation/Benefit Program
The Sweet Water Missionary Baptist Church family invites all pastors, congregation, choirs, groups and soloist to participate in an appreciation/benefit program for Sister Lena Bell Lowery Carter at 6 p.m. on Nov. 27.
Sister Carter works diligently and unselfishly to help others. She encourages and inspires those lives she touches.
Sister Carter is a three-time cancers survivor and has never allowed this to stop her from faithfully working for the Lord and rendering services for others. Let us show Sister Carter our love and deepest appreciation for the many expressions of love and thoughtfulness of service she gives to others.
For more information call Linda Peterson Long at 334-284-0463.
December 3
Holiday Open House
The Crenshaw County Chamber of Commerce will sponsor the annual downtown customer appreciation holiday open house from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. on Dec. 3.
Many Luverne merchants will be participating offering savings and goodies.
Please turn out to support the local merchants and keep your tax dollars at home this Christmas.
December 4
Christmas Parade
The Crenshaw County Chamber of Commerce's annual Christmas Parade will be held at 11 a.m. on Dec. 4.
The parade will lineup at the old armory building at 10:30 a.m.
Anyone interested in having an entry in the parade contact Sherri Richburg at 335-2253.
All businesses, schools and civic organizations are encouraged to participate.
There is no entry fee to participate, but the Chamber does ask that each entry donate a toy for the toy drive.
December 7
Senior Citizen Day Trip
Get into the holiday spirit and join the fun.
A senior citizen day trip to tour the historic Governor's Mansion and Capitol, both of which will be decorated for the holiday season, is scheduled for Dec. 7. The group will also dine at the Sahara Restaurant.
The highlight of the tour will be meeting Gov. Bob Riley and having a group picture taken with him on the Capitol steps.
For more information or to make your reservation call the Community Education Office at 335-3319, Ext: 154.
Ongoing Announcements
Computer Classes
Basic computer classes will be offered at 6 p.m. starting Nov. 9 at the Crenshaw County Board of Education in Luverne.
The course lasts throughout the month of November and will meet twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and will be taught by Leanne Taylor.
For more information call the community education office at 335-3319, Ext: 154.
Taekwondo Classes
Taekwondo classes will be offered by the Crenshaw County Board of Education at 9 a.m. every Saturday beginning Nov. 13. All proceeds will be donated back into the program for additional equipment.
The classes are intended for children and adults and will be taught by second-degree black belt, David Kim, who is General Affairs Manager of the SMART Plant in Luverne.
For more information call community education office at 335-3319, Ext: 154.
Poinsettias Sale
The Luverne Rotary Club is beginning to take orders for it's annual poinsettia sell.
The poinsettias are available in red, white and pink and cost $9 each. Plants will be available for pick up Saturday, Dec. 4.
Proceeds from the sell of the plants will benefit the Crenshaw County Department of Human Resources' Operation Santa Clause as well as other charitable causes throughout the county.
For more information, see a local Rotary member.
Jr. Miss Tickets on sale
Support Crenshaw County's 2005 Junior Miss at Alabama's Junior Miss to be held in Montgomery on Dec. 10-11.
Tickets for Friday night cost $15, Saturday afternoon $15 and Saturday night $25. A weekend pass cost $45.
For more information or to purchase tickets contact Jean Sims at 335-5993, Nancy Williams at 335-6392, Traci Sanders at 335-6151 or Neva Petrey at 335-5749 or
Food Program Offered
The Aging and Disabled Services, Inc. announces the sponsorship of the Child and Adult Care Food Program in Crenshaw County.
Meals will be made available at no separate charge to enrolled participants at the Crenshaw County Adult Dare Care, located at 4122 Quail Tower Road in Luverne.
For more information on the program contact Tommy Tomlin at 335-5522.
Monthly Prayer Breakfast
The Mayors' Prayer Breakfast is held from 7 a.m. until 7:45 a.m. on the first Monday of every month at the John D. Harrison Cultural Center in Luverne.
Calendar items are published free of charge as a service to our community. Fax to 335-4299 or email to editor@luvernejournal .com or mail to P.O. Box 152, Luverne AL 36049.