Fall can#039;t arrive fast enough for me
Published 12:00 am Monday, August 29, 2005
We haven't actually tried frying an egg on the sidewalk in front of the Advocate offices yet, but I suspect it wouldn't take long for it to sizzle.
I remind myself it is, after all, August in Alabama. It's supposed to be hot, muggy and miserable, right?
Still, I'd like to spend a day running errands around town and not feel as if I need another shower every two hours.
I lived in the Midwest for over a decade, where September and October ushered in sweater weather, with a good chance of a white Christmas in your future.
Now, I can happily live without ice storms and blizzards, but I do wish we had a little more variety in our weather at times.
Summer's heat and humidity can linger well into fall down here, and then we often leap right into winter.
"Where, oh where, did autumn go?" we ask.
I like fall weather, and not just a day or two of it.
I enjoy an autumn where it's chilly enough you can wear a long-sleeved suit for your high school's homecoming, drink hot chocolate and not break out in a heat rash. "Football weather," they call it.
Nowadays the school year starts so early and summer hangs around so late, we don't see much of such weather.
As for me, I look forward to being able to break out the long sleeves or a sweater for a change. I'd gladly put aside my favorite summer hats for a while.
Yes, I am ready for autumn to arrive. I'll step up to the plate and say I wouldn't mind seeing some snow this winter, preferably around Christmastime. After all, local kids deserve a chance to enjoy at least one snowball fight, build one snowman or make a snow angel or two during their childhood.
Maybe some middle-aged lady would like another go at it, too. Maybe the heat has just gotten to me.
In the meantime, it's still August. So, pass me another glass of sweet tea, heavy on the ice, will you?
We have a new addition to our family. She has glossy black hair and an eager disposition. Add in amazingly expressive ears, a pink tongue nearly as big as her head and all the playful clumsiness a puppy can exhibit - and you've got our "Tutie Belle."
We have no idea what breed she is. Tutie has the lean build of a greyhound and the small, close-set brown eyes of a Scottish terrier.
When she cocks her head to one side, ears standing up and that fabulous tongue hanging out, I dare anyone not to smile at the sight.
Rascal, gentlemanly shepherd-collie mix that he is, stoically allows Tutie to romp all over him. Junior, a big, handsome blond fellow, short on brains and long on appetite, hasn't been keen on sharing affection or food with the little gal.
However, even our jealous Junior has been sighted cavorting in the yard with the ever-exuberant Miss Tutie.
Maybe happiness is a warm puppy, after all.
Angie Long is Lifestyles Reporter for The Greenville Advocate. She can be reached at 382-3111, or by email: angie.long@greenvilleadvocate.com