CCA’s annual deer hunt a big success
Published 5:46 pm Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The annual CCA Deer Hunt entered its fifth year with 38 hunters from several states.
Roland Jones, assistant principal and head coach at CCA, said that people from all over the county helped out with the fundraiser.
“We have had a lot of people come donate their time and pieces of land to help with this fundraiser,” said Jones.
Hunters came from Mississippi, Tennessee, Florida, Louisiana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Maine and New York.
Last year, they had 58 hunters to come out and it was too many, so they now allow a limited number of hunters to attend. Jones said that there was just not enough land to accommodate people on the hunts.
Interested hunters can go on the school’s Web site and register online or they can call them to sign up.
There is a fee of $750, which covers the meals and for the hunt on the grounds, but they must pay for their own hotel stays.
“That helps out the community a little bit, too,” he added.
The idea of the deer hunt came when several other private schools had the fundraiser and CCA wanted to try it out. Jones said that it has been really successful and positive for the school, as well as for the community.
Hunters are by themselves in a tree stand and if they get a kill, they call the folks at CCA.
“We come and pick up the deer and clean it up,” said Jones.
The biggest deer score was 140 this year.
However, the help does not stop at just aiding the school or the community.
“We had a hunter who came with us for two years, a state trooper from North Carolina, who was killed and we allowed his family to come down and hunt,” said Jones.
The state trooper was killed on the job during a routine traffic stop.
There were a couple of drawings that were held in the family’s benefit so that they could come hunt without paying for anything.
The 38 hunters checked in on Friday at 1:00 and the organizers took them out to the hunting grounds that evening; participants hunted all day Saturday and were picked up Sunday morning.
Usually, the grounds are hosted by private landowners, but this year, Mike and Tammy Jordan of Double J Whitetails donated their hunting reserve for the hunt.
“We appreciate everybody that helped out. There were so many people involved that it’s hard to name everybody,” said Jones. “We’re just glad that this fundraiser is able to benefit the kids, the school and the community.”
The hunt is organized and run by Mike Jones.
“He puts in countless hours and runs it to a ‘T’ so a lot of the thanks goes to him,” said Jones.