Conference hosts nearly 400 local women
Published 5:09 pm Thursday, April 8, 2010
The “Fix Your Feet” women’s conference took place on March 27 and was hosted by South Luverne Baptist Church.
The attendance of 387 women from all over the county and beyond, representing 74 churches, packed out the auditorium.
This was the fourth annual conference, and the best attended, of the Crenshaw County Women for Christ, an interdenominational fellowship for all Christian women.
The theme, “Fix Your Feet,” was based on Psalm 37:23 – “The steps of a good man [woman] are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his [her] way.”
Shoes for those “steps” were everywhere – a giant mossy shoe filled with flowers outside the front doors and a large recliner-shoe towering over flower-filled boots on a big round table in the main lobby.
Kim Hendrix, WSFA-TV news anchor and leader of Shine Your Light women’s ministry at Frazer Memorial United Methodist Church in Montgomery, was the speaker.
She spoke at the first conference in 2007 and was so greatly enjoyed, she was invited back.
Her two messages, “Delightful Walk” and “Finding Yourself,” evoked both laughter and tears.
In her first talk, Hendrix asked, “Are you living a delightful life to the Lord? Our spiritual walk should not be a struggle.”
In the last message, she began with the story of King Hezekiah cleansing the temple. She said, “We are the temple. What defilement do we need to throw out? We have too much stuff. We need to declutter.”
In conclusion, Hendrix asked, “Have you found yourself lately?” Then she read her moving poem, “Finding Yourself,” which had been distributed as a book mark to each lady.
For the second year Laura Aaron, a gifted educator and minister of music, led the praise and worship music with excellence, assisted by a female band from Troy University, “More Than Conquerors”, playing guitar, keyboard, drums, piano, and trumpet.
The varied and worshipful songs brought a hearty participation from the audience. Aaron also led the Women’s Choir in two numbers, one a beautiful, soaring anthem, “Teach Me, Lord,” and the other a hand-clapping gospel song, “He Never Failed Me.”
Male volunteers served box lunches and drinks to the ladies, who sat at tables both outside and inside the building.
The good weather was a blessing, as well as the many volunteers who packed the box lunches the night before and those who handled parking and other duties. Everyone’s work, preceding and during the conference, was greatly appreciated.
After lunch the ladies were treated to a return appearance of Penny Merle, the great-niece of Minnie Pearl, who taught them how to “Fix Yore Feet” through a side-splitting song of admonition to her friend, Delta Dawn.
The laughter was good for the “souls” and helped to keep the shoe “soles” fixed on the right path, avoiding the path to gambling casinos!
Many of the ladies took home door prizes, made available by generous donors, both merchants and individuals.
While not all the ladies won a prize, every person took home a refreshing of her spirit, having feasted on the Word of God, songs of praise, delicious food, fellowship, and plain fun.
The Steering Committee – Melissa Bush, Lisa Harris, Patsy Jeffcoat, Shanna Malone, Nancy Petrey, Debbie Roberts, Kathy Smyth, Ann Tate, Veronica Wiley, and Glenda Yancey – all praised the Lord for the success of the conference and are already seeking His direction in planning for the fifth conference, coming up on March 26, 2011.