LETTER: Fostering animals worth the expense
Published 12:57 am Saturday, September 13, 2014
Dear Editor,
I am very excited about your reporting about the plight of animals in Crenshaw County! I have a clowder of cats here at Camellia House B&B and we want to help in any way we can to get a shelter here.
Aleathea Gammage has done more than her fair share and her stepping down may be just the catalyst to get people off their duffs!
A 12-year-old girl showed up at my door yesterday with a tiny rescue kitten – less than two weeks old! She asked me where to take the kitten. She and her mom had found him on the steps outside the dance studio.
I told them there was no place to take him and suggested that they foster him. I explained that it would be up to them to determine this kitten’s fate, and they have stepped up!
The 12-year-old is now bottle-feeding him with her mom assisting her. So far, so good! I wish we could get adults here to set a better example for our young people.
We’ve spent a lot of money on our rescues since moving here 11 years go. What a joy they are!
Kathy Dowdy