Deadline approaching for students interested in attending ASMS

Published 4:15 pm Tuesday, January 7, 2014



The deadline to apply to the Alabama School of Math and Science (ASMS) for it’s 2014-15 school year is February 7.

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Any current Alabama 9th or 10th grader can apply to ASMS, and the application process is free and online. Students are selected through a competitive process that considers the applicant’s interest in science and mathematics, among other things.

“There is no secret formula for being accepted to ASMS,” ASMS Director of Special Services John Hoyle said. “We are looking for good students who are also good people. Incoming students have good grades and solid ACT scores, but they also must be mature enough to handle living away from home. We also take a look at teacher recommendations, extra curricular activities, and how well they conduct themselves during a personal interview on campus. We assess students holistically.”

It’s not too late to take the ACT+ Writing test that will be held February 8. Register for the exam at

“The deadline for on-time ACT registration is January 10 and late registration is from January 11-24,” ASMS Admissions Coordinator Peggy Partridge said. “You will have to pay a late fee for late registration.”

Located in Mobile, ASMS provides a rigorous and innovative curriculum for sophomores, juniors and seniors. Throughout its history, ASMS has enrolled students from every Alabama County. ASMS graduates earn an average $125,000 in college scholarship offers to attend the most prestigious schools throughout Alabama and the country.

Those interested in receiving more information about ASMS should visit, send an email to, or call Partridge at (251) 441-3250.