Creech running for mayor
Published 4:01 pm Friday, August 24, 2012
Larry Creech has announced his intent to seek election as mayor of the City of Georgiana.
As a local business owner and someone who has attended many of the city council meetings for the past several years, he feels as though he understands the concerns of Georgiana’s citizens.
“I have listened to many ideas from past administrators that just didn’t work or had little impact on our city,” Creech said.
If elected, Creech said he would work on bringing new businesses to Georgiana to provide jobs and increase tax revenue for the city.
“The City of Georgiana has a golden opportunity to capitalize on the new bypass around the city by bringing new businesses along the route,” Creech said. “I will actively apply for any state and federal grants to help improve our infrastructure and historical sites.”
Creech said he would continue to help Georgiana grow as a city and help bring a better a future.
“Our city can have a better, brighter future, where our children can build a future here, rather than have to leave to seek jobs, seldom ever returning home,” Creech said.
“I will strive to make the City of Georgiana become a city of growth and not just sit back and watch it dwindle away.”
The municipal election will be held Tuesday.