Days that changed the world

Published 6:00 am Saturday, September 14, 2024

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By Dean Kelly

We know of days that have changed the world on a large scale. History describes the dawn the Sunday morning when planes sent by a Japanese emperor attacked Pearl Harbor. That day, called by the President, “a day that will live in infamy,” changed the course of human history. 

I actually remember another day, a beautiful Tuesday morning that was turned into a scene of horror and destruction, 23 years ago this week. 

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The clear blue sky with its early morning sun was darkened by a black cloud of smoke and dust that rolled through the streets of New York on Sept. 1, 2001. The horror of that day changed the world in so many ways.

But, I know of two days that absolutely altered the world for humanity. It was a Friday morning. The sun was hidden as darkness covered the land from about 9 a.m. to noon when a cry could be heard echoing from a hill just outside Jerusalem, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” 

In a few minutes another anguished cry would reverberate through the surrounding hills as the same voice cried out loudly, “It is finished!” and He died. That is truly a day to live on in Infamy. And if the story ended there it would be the worst, most world changing event of all time. 

On another Sunday morning, a group of mourning women were coming to a tomb to try to put the spices on the body of their friend and mentor. They had been forced to wait since He died on Friday because of the Passover. 

They found an open grave, and were told words that would change the world forever, and into eternity, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here but is risen!“ Those are words that truly changed the world. Those words give hope to the hopeless, salvation to the lost, and strength to the weak.

Jesus came to the cross and overcame the cross! If we meet Him at the cross – it will change our world forever.

Dean Kelly is minister at Highland Home Church of Christ.