Children’s fundraising benefits humane society

Published 6:00 am Thursday, September 5, 2024

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A group of children in Greenville, led by their grandmother Jill Stallworth, raised over $225 for the Butler County Humane Society by making homemade dog treats and conducting a lemonade stand fundraiser. 

The children were inspired to help after earning money by doing chores around their house and then giving to support the local animal shelter.

“We loaded up three cars and arrived at the Humane Society kennels to deliver some homemade treats and the $75 the kids earned that week,” Stallworth said. “Cory [Rice] was so sweet to let us hold and pet all of the puppies, dogs, and cats. The kids were so moved that they came home and wanted to do more. They brainstormed and decided to do a lemonade stand fundraiser.”

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The fundraising began with the children walking their family dog, Frisbee, feeding and watering him, picking up their toys and helping cook meals. They also learned to measure and follow a recipe to make Pumpkin Peanut Butter Doggie Biscuits, imprinting each of the 60 biscuits with Frisbee’s paw print.

After delivering the treats, the children created flyers and distributed them to 46 neighborhood mailboxes to promote their lemonade stand. Despite rain coming down for most of the day, the stand brought in more than $150.

Cory Rice, who manages the Butler County Humane Society, expressed gratitude for the children’s efforts. 

“It made my heart so happy that a bunch of children had a lemonade stand to donate to the animals,” Rice said. “It really gave me faith that this next generation is going to be okay.”

The Humane Society visit sparked further inspiration for Rice, who is floating plans to bring other community members in to interact with pets available for adoption.

“It was so fun seeing their little faces light up at all the babies and different animals,” Rice added. “It really made me wonder if Greenville was ready to support tours out here to meet all our special residents and hear their story. It might even raise adoption numbers.”

Rice also noted that she was “very thankful for the Stallworths’ visit and for the generous donations,” which help the Humane Society continue to provide care for animals in need.

The Stallworth children are already planning future fundraising efforts to support the Humane Society, inspired by their recent success.

To learn more about supporting the Butler County Humane Society, call (334) 368-8246.