Overnight preparations make for good morning

Published 12:50 pm Monday, July 1, 2024

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Some people consider breakfast as the most important meal of the day. I have found that to be true in my own life and learned over the years that a little preparation the night before keeps me from missing out on the nutrition I need to make for a productive day.

Delicious breakfast options abound in the local area. Some include Court Square Cafe and McDonald’s in Greenville, Nelson’s Meat Market in Highland Home, Tater’s in Luverne, Deepwoods Restaurant and Subway in Hayneville. However, when packed schedules have us running from one thing to another, there is not always time to stop for these local morning favorites.

As a busy career woman, I tend to hit the ground running every morning, finding often that there just is not time to cook a hearty morning meal. My daughter, Angie Watkins, turned me on to a recipe she calls overnight oats, and I discovered recently that preparing my own variation has become more important than I could have ever imagined.

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The creation of overnight oats is simple, just combine ingredients and refrigerate overnight. One evening, I worked a little too late and hopped off the computer to dive straight into bed, forgetting to prepare for breakfast.

The next morning, I found myself running late to an important meeting, with no time to cook or stop for breakfast. I learned the hard way that preparation is key to productivity and felt all day as if I was unable to catch up, much less get ahead.

That day, I committed to take the five minutes necessary to set a course for success and make sure I had something healthy on hand to help start my day.

Here is the recipe for overnight oats. Feel free to substitute your own choices for oates, fruit, sweeteners and milk.


1/2 cup oats (quick, old fashioned, rolled, steel cut or a combination)

1 cup milk of choice (more of less for desired consistency)

1 pinch salt

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp sweetener of choice

Fresh fruit of choice in desired about (berries, bananas peaches or others)

Optional Ingredients

1 TBSP chia seeds

1 TBSP peanut butter (melted or powder)

1 serving protein powder

1 TBSP chocolate chips


* Mix dry ingredients in a cup, jar or bowl

* Add milk or milk substitute until mixture is soupy

* Refrigerate overnight, then enjoy

Let me know how you like it. We welcome your recipes too. Email the complete recipe and a photo to news@greenvilleadvocate.com.