‘Animal Tales’ told at library

Published 6:00 am Sunday, June 23, 2024

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Animal Tales, a Pensacola based company that leads educational exotic animal programs, visited the Greenville Butler County Public Library June 7.

The program is a favorite among young readers who enjoy learning about exotic animals first hand. 

“We’ve had them as a guest before,” said Library Director Kevin Pearcey. “They’re always really popular with the kids.”

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Kaitlyn Thompson, one of the company’s animal handlers introduced attendees to lizards, snakes, birds and even a hedgehog named Sonic. Using a giant blow up globe, Thompson invited volunteers to locate each animal’s natural habitat. 

At the end of the presentation, children lined up for the chance to pet a snake.

“We just try to educate kids on exotic animals by using interactive material and fun skits,” Thompson said. “Summer is our busiest time. We do a lot of libraries and summer camps and even birthday parties.”