BOE closes bond issue

Published 11:31 pm Thursday, June 29, 2023

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The Butler County Board of Education called a special meeting on June 22 to sign closing documents for the continuation of construction projects already underway in the county. The board hosted The Frazier Lanier Company, a Montgomery-based investment banking firm, who will finance the completion of the Greenville High School football stadium and the McKenzie High School gym to the tune of $4 million.

According to Superintendent Joe Eiland, “Despite everything being over budget, this was the best deal. We can’t control the economy or inflation. We’re glad to move forward with these projects.”

Bob Young, representative for Frazier Lanier praised the Butler County Board of Education, “for being good stewards with taxpayers money.” 

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“This was an excellent sale.” he said. The Butler County Board of Education has an outstanding grade A credit score, and we were able to get an additional interest break of 10%.”

In other business, the board discussed  personnel changes for the upcoming year. 

“ We have 13 new hires, three rehires, five resignations, six volunteer transfers, and several reassignments,” Eiland said. 

The board introduced Jamie Lee Herring as Greenville High School’s new band director. Herring is from Covington County, and comes to GHS as a recent graduate of Huntington College. Herring said he is excited to be here and ready to get started. 

“We have 85 band members this year. Band camp will start on July 17,” he said. Bernadette Robinson was also in attendance, and has been named the new Childhood Nutrition Program (CNP) Manager at Greenville High School. She is transitioning from Greenville Middle School. 

“I am looking forward to continuing serving students, faculty, and staff healthy meals. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve as manager. We are all looking forward to a great year,” she said.