Records/Incident Reports: July 28
Published 3:40 pm Wednesday, July 20, 2016
The following individuals were booked into the Crenshaw County Correctional Facility from July 12 –July 17, 2016.
July 12
*Jami Leigh McLendon, 31, menacing.
*Roger Dean Morse, Jr., 30, failure to appear for expired tag and failure to appear for driving while suspended.
July 13
*Kent Coe Barganier, 34, bench warrant.
*Ricky Lee Brothers, 50, possession of marijuana, second degree, and driving under the influence.
July 14
*Marie Mahala Davis, 20, bench warrant and two counts of youthful offender.
*Jonathan Rex Hodge, 38, criminal trespass, third degree, and domestic violence, third degree, harassment.
*Kevin Todd Rhodes, 31, probation revoked, failure to appear for no driver’s license, two counts of failure to appear for driving under
the influence, failure to appear for driving while suspended and failure to appear for operating a vehicle without insurance.
July 15
*Tasha L. Bundy, 32, domestic violence, third degree, and harassment.
July 16
*Karen Denise Jones, 41, pedestrian under the influence.
*Chris Joseph Sisto, 29, domestic violence, third degree, and assault.
*Raven Nicole Wallace, 23, harassing communications and indecent exposure.
July 17
*Michael Jerrod Bozeman, 31, possession of marijuana, second degree, criminal mischief, third degree, failure to appear for driving
while revoked, domestic violence, third degree, and harassment.
The following incident and offense reports were filed by the Luverne Police Department on july 14- July 18, 2016:
July 14
*Harassment, 100 Block of Ballpark Ln., Luverne.
July 18
*Criminal mischief, third degree, Luverne Villas, Luverne.