Fountain of Life prepares for revivals
Published 3:26 pm Thursday, June 2, 2016
“As we were praying about what to do, we just believe that it’s time to to bring someone in that can help with a fresh impartation of the Holy Spirit and just reach people with the gospel,” said pastor of Fountain of Life Worship Center Jud Flint.
This was the idea in mind when Flint and his staff began to plan their upcoming revival meetings.
The group will soon be hosting its revival services featuring Dr. John Shiver on Sunday, June 12 at 10:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. and on Monday, June 13 and Tuesday, June 14 at 6:30 p.m.
Flint first met Shiver as a professor while in school. When the idea of revival came to mind, Flint could think of no better person to ask about leading the services.
“Even though we’re a smaller city, my mindset is you ever know until you ask. So, I gave him a call,” Flint said.
“We’re just hoping to stir the flames of revival in our city, and to be able to honor God and reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Since 1994, Shiver has traveled across America and around the world bringing a fresh impartation of the Holy Spirit to people through crusades, pastor’s conferences and ministry in local churches. The ministry has conducted over 3,500 meetings in 56 denominations and fellowships on five continents, according to Flint.
Fountain of Life Worship Center was founded in 2001, and Flint has served as pastor there for almost 10 years and also as a youth minister at the church before becoming pastor.
“We’re a smaller church, but we have a revival feel. It’s an older church, so we use that to remind people of the harvest and revival,” Flint said.
“Our vision as a church is just to connect people to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe the hope of the world is Christ and that the vehicle to reach people is the local church. We believe that a relationship with the Lord is about a vertical relationship with Him and a horizontal relationship with other people.”
It is Flint’s hope that by continuing to host revivals like these and share the gospel with as many people as possible, Crenshaw County will continue to grow spiritually and become an even better place.