New organization says ‘NO MORE’ to domestic violence
Published 3:44 pm Friday, June 12, 2015
By Morgan Burkett
The Greenville Advocate
Katie Nixon and Whitney McCartey believe it’s time for Butler County to say “no more.”
That is, no more to domestic violence and sexual assault.
The women have started a new non-profit group Butler County Alabama Says NO MORE.
The organization’s goal is to raise public awareness and engagement focusing on ending domestic violence and sexual assault.
“One in three women and one in four men experience violence from their partners in their lifetime,” said Nixon. “One in four women and one in six men have been sexually abused before they turn 18. We are saying no more to keeping silent. We are the voice for the voiceless.”
This organization is solely based on raising awareness and is centered on a powerful new symbol that brings together all people who want to end domestic violence and sexual assault.
In March the Facebook page for No More,, held their annual one-week awareness campaign.
It was then that Nixon discovered this organization and wanted to become a part of raising awareness for the organization, while making a difference in her community.
“Our main goal is to raise more awareness in the schools. Sexual assault and domestic violence happens more often by family members when children are growing up,” said Nixon.
The Family Sunshine Center in Montgomery is starting a support group in Greenville called S.O.A.R., which stands for Survivors of Abusive Relationships. This group is for any kind of abusive relationship.
S.O.A.R. is an eight-week curriculum based program and orientation is required prior to your first session.
In its efforts to raise awareness and money, Butler County Says NO MORE is hosting a movie night at Greenville’s Confederate Park Saturday.
Tickets are $5.
Anyone under 18 will receive a snack box for the movie, and there will be concessions for the adults.
Cardboard boxes decorated like cars will be premade for the children to sit in while watching the movie to give the event the feel of a drive-in theater.
Before the movie, the children will be given “license plates” to decorate for the front of their car. The decorating starts at 7 p.m. and the movie, will begin at 7:30 p.m.
Organizers will be showing “The Lorax.”
During the event, t-shirts will be sold for $16.
“These campaigns and projects are so important to our community because there aren’t many efforts being made in Butler County to stop the domestic violence and sexual abuse,” said Nixon. “We are doing this so that people know there is a way out of such horrible situations.”
To join Butler County Says NO MORE or to learn more about S.O.A.R., contact Nixon at (334) 300-2917 or email