Published 7:24 pm Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Crenshaw County School’s plan to implement safety plans is “rocking along.”
In April, school officials announced they would change some 700 locks in the system for an estimated $50,000, and that they would purchase 105 additional cameras for the school campuses for an estimated $75,000.
The keys are specially designed and cannot be replicated at a local hardware store.
Superintendent Randy Wilkes said Monday that they are currently installing surveillance cameras at Brantley School, and the re-keying was currently going on at Luverne School. Locks have already been changed at Brantley and will soon be changed at Highland.
The project is being paid for by local funds.
In other business, the board:
• heard from Wilkes that the special education department meets the requirement for Part B of IDEA. They scored level one in at all levels. Wilkes said that the department handles 200-plus individualized education programs, and there were zero findings.
“I’d like to give kudos to the special education department,” he said.
• approved the employee salary matrix.
• approved a budget amendment that brings approximately $500,000 in carryover federal funds to the system.
• approved a loan for Sabrina McGhee to the state department of education.
• approved the resignation of Arnetta Harris, preschool paraprofessional at Highland Home.
• approved the resignation of Alice Lancey at HHS.
• approve the hiring of Charles Alford at director of federal programs and career tech.
• approved the hiring of Matt Steadham as PE teacher at Luverne.
• approved the hiring of Lee Chandler Grosenbach as science teacher at Luverne.
• approved the hiring of Mandy Horn as business and marketing teacher at Luverne.
• approved the hiring of Cassie Newman as paraprofessional at HHS.
• Approved the hiring of Marcie Holladay at HHS.
• Approved the hiring of Brittany Bragg as paraprofessional at HHS.