10 Years Ago, 25 Years Ago, 50 Years Ago – July 3
Published 8:33 pm Monday, July 5, 2010
10 Years Ago: Kathy Smyth has been named new director of Safe Harbor, the Children’s Advocacy Center…Priscilla Davis and Roberta Gamble signed copies of their new book Southern Dogs and Their People at Grayson’s…18-year-old Mike Otero and his horse nine-ball posted a 9.0 second ride to win the state title in the Alabama High School Rodeo Association…Lois Harrison recently returned from a mission trip to India…Miss Addie “Babe” Traweek presented a 1907 picture of the Shackleville Baptist Church to Rev. Randy Harvill…Christy Gayle Smith of Georgiana was selected to compete for Miss Junior Teen…Perry Hamilton, Kathryn Boswell, and Susan Nimmer helped each other write poetry at the Think!! Write!! Workshop held at W.O. Parmer Elementary School…Cambrian Ridge and Pioneer Electric will host a Family Fourth Celebration at the golf course featuring entertainers Marty Raybon and Sawyer Brown…Dixie Youth League champs were the Tigers, who finished with a 15-1 record…team members are DeMarion Abrams, Caleb Blackburn, John Callen, Demarreo Carter, Christopher Garmon, Eric Howard, Adam Moore, Jacob Newton, Steven Stallworth, Victor Stansberry, Tyler Thrower, William Winters, and Joshua Womack…
25 Years Ago: Commencement exercises were held at Camellia City Christian Academy and those receiving diplomas were Kevin Spears, Eddie Anderson, Mona Tuberville and Joe Burt…Miss Christy Corbitt admired an outstanding bed of hibiscus at the home of the Park Smiths Jr. on Fort Dale Rd…Probate Judge Calvin Steindorff presented a $1,000 check to the Oakey Streak-Pigeon Creek Volunteer Fire Department…Fort Dale-South Butler Academy graduates Johnny Hobbie and Tracey Golden were honored with year-end Service Awards and fellow graduate Bill Kelley won the Civitan Club’s Citizenship Award…GHS graduate Bruce Mathews has been selected for the Concert Chorus at Faulkner University…Jackson Cooper, a welder at Structural Wood Systems, Inc., received a 5-year service award…selected for the Dixie Boys All-Star team were Scott Pugh, Dan Woodham, Lyle Reynolds, Mark Hanks, Jeff Conway, Kevin Sport, Adam Dantzler, among others…the Midget League Expos are Jason Pierce, Jeffery Smith, Andrew Welch, Joey Roach, Brad Horn and Sam Welch, among others…TG&Y has 30 percent off its entire stock of girls’ spring tops and blouses…Sunshine House spotlight on Todd Crane, the son of Becky and Charlie Crane, and Brannon Wood, the son of Barbara and LaDon Wood…
50 Years Ago: Judge Jas. T. Beeland and Rep. Lamont Glass took time to see the road construction of Interstate 65 from the top of Dilly Hill in south Butler County…Terry Lane Boutwell caught a 4-pound catfish in a family waterhole in Forest Home…Leonard Beckler of Georgiana attended the Jaycees Convention…the Pigeon Creek community was saddened to learn about the death of Simon Russell, a longtime member of the community and Sardis Baptist Church…ex-Auburn great Bobby Wasden has been working out with weights and will report to play for the San Francisco 49’ers on July 19…coaches have said they want Wasden, who starred at Greenville High School, to play middle linebacker…throw away the calorie counter because Jim Ryan is running a 20 cent special on banana splits this Saturday at Capps Drug Store…Cecilia Williamson and Brenda Russell practiced their diving skills at Beeland Park…guests at a party honoring Mary Cleveland were Lee Ryan, Lane Grant, Dawn Morris, Mollie Hardin, Beth Gates, and Jane Carter, among others…Watson’s has the furnishing for your home including a nine-play gym set for $29.95 and window shades for $1.29…
THE COUNTRY MILE: The “country mile” is supposed to be a long, long mile; but actually on a good road it is only 60 seconds long. A city mile on Greenville’s Commerce street on a busy Saturday afternoon can be ten times that long. – The Greenville Advocate, July 7, 1960