Chamber preps to ‘Celebrate’
Published 7:32 pm Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The singers have been rehearsing, the concession workers, planning the menu and the dunking booth is ready to cool off some of the area’s most prominent citizens.
Th Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce brings “Celebrate America!” to the field of Greenville High School Tiger Stadium this Friday night, July 3, kicking off at 6:30 p.m.
Along with the traditional “bouncy castle” attractions offered by Air Jumpz, CoC director Francine Wasden says youngsters are in for a cool treat with the addition of a giant water slide on the field.
“ I hope parents will let their kids try out the slide and have a blast. It certainly won’t take long to dry,” Wasden said with a chuckle.
Children’s games and a volleyball tourney for the tweens and teens attending are also planned.
GHS’s Band Boosters will be doing double duty, serving concessions and manning the dunking booth, with well-known faces like Main Street’s Nancy Idland and Sheriff Kenny Harden ready to take the “hot seat.”
“The Band Boosters are working really hard getting all this prepared and I hope folks will turn out and buy supper at the event – and help this group with their fundraising,“ Wasden said.
A patriotic musical is set for 8 p.m. with lots of “upbeat” music, she promises.
Fireworks are set to light up the sky at 9 p.m., weather permitting.
“This is my third ‘Celebrate America,’ and the first two we had storms right when the show was to begin. I am convinced this time around, third time is the charm,” Wasden said, adding, “It is going to be hot, but I am happy to say there is no rain in the forecast that night.”
A new crew of Camellia Girls and Chamber Pages are excited about Friday night’s event, she said.
“This is free to the public and it’s made possible by the donations of many, many businesses and individuals who want to bring a family-friendly celebration to our hometown.”
For more info, contact the Chamber at 382-3251.