Lindsay Kimbro honored for 10 years of service to Extension
Published 2:22 pm Friday, January 16, 2009
The Alabama Cooperative Extension System held its annual awards
luncheon recently at the 4-H Youth Development Center in Columbiana.
Dr. Virginia Caples, 1890 Administrator, Alabama A&M University, presented
the 2008 Superior Service Awards. Chris McLendon, manager, Human
Resources, presented the Extension length of service awards and Stacey
Bozeman, director, Financial Services, presented the Civil Service
length of service awards.
Lindsay Kimbro, a regional agent III in Crenshaw County, received a pin
and certificate honoring her for 10 years of service to the Extension.
Pictured above with Kimbro are Ray Rice, Extension district director,
southwest Alabama regional counties, and Virginia Caples, 1890
Administrator, Alabama A&M University.