Downtown teeming with activity
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Downtown continues to be a hotbed of activity as new businesses come in and existing businesses expand. In the past month, a new finance company, Security Finance, has set up shop on Commerce Street across from Greenville Hardware and Brandon Sellers, a local attorney who has teamed up with his sister to expand their law practice is renovating the old Greenville Ford building in preparation of hanging out their respective shingles in a new location.
The building was recently home to Benefit Planners, who are now "back home" in their old building on the corner of Hickory and Commerce. I had a chance to tour their remodeled building and it is top notch, so if you get a chance to visit with them, they'd be happy to show you around. We also reported last week that Debbie Martin has plans to build a new building uptown at the corner of Chestnut and Commerce that will house her realty agency.
It's good to see the activity downtown, which is the heart of Greenville and an asset that the business community doesn't need to forget.
Saturday I had the chance to see community in action when I covered the YMCA's new playground being assembled. It was only about 110 degrees in the shade, but with lots of sweat and elbow grease, the new playground is the latest jewel in the crown of the Greenville YMCA and with future additions of two swimming pools and some tennis courts in the near future, it's evident that the future of the community's YMCA is indeed bright.
What I saw Saturday, young old, black and white, working side-by-side to build something that would improve the quality of life for the children of Greenville reaffirms to me that this community has the kindred spirit it needs to grow not only economically, but spiritually as well.
Lastly, I was saddened to hear of the passing of Steve Layfield, who died after a difficult battle with cancer. I attend church with the Layfields and while I did not get a chance to get to know him better, I've heard from others that he was a man of strong convictions and was a positive influence in the lives of many people. A long-time Kiwanian, Layfield's contribution to the community he called home for so many years will not be forgotten. My family's prayers are with his family as they mourn his passing.
Dennis Palmer is publisher of The Greenville Advocate. He can be reached at 383-9302, ext. 125, or by email: