Saturday storm can#039;t damage the community spirit
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Without a doubt what is being called one of the worst spring storms in recent memory left its indelible footprint on Butler County over the weekend.
The storm that raked Greenville on Saturday did the most damage in the south part of the county with the community of Chapman and the town of Georgiana taking the brunt of the high winds that made a mess out of thousands of pine trees down Highway 31.
Many officials are still scratching their heads wondering how so much damage could have been caused without anyone being injured. Divine intervention? We certainly think so. Nobody who witnessed the actual damage caused to houses in Chapman could think anything other than a higher power was looking out for Butler Countians Saturday.
And speaking of power,
our hats off to the crews at Pioneer and Alabama Power for working to get power restored in short order. While the outages experienced during this storm were no where near the scale unleashed by Hurricane Ivan, as Pioneer spokesman Terry Wilhite said "The description of the worst power outage is when your power is out," is true indeed.
The city and county road crews and law enforcement officials did an excellent job of trying to restore order, even during the height of the storm.
One of the pleasant byproducts of such an event is seeing the amount of community outreach. Neighbor helping neighbor was in full supply Saturday as citizen work crews were seen on tops of houses and in yards helping clear debris and minimize damage from the still falling rain shortly after the storm passed.
If anything puts a silver lining in a black cloud, it's seeing the measure of caring that comes after such a traumatic experience and we continue to be astonished by the good graces of God and man that continue to bless us right here in Butler County.