Help fill a boot for charity

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 14, 2004

I'm the type of person that likes to be involved in everything.

It's not that I have a lot of time on my hands; it's just that I like to help others.

No matter what I have to do, I always try to make time for others.

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If there's a friend moving, I'm there lifting boxes and hauling furniture around.

If there's a neighbor in need of a cup of sugar, I give them one. No need to borrow, I may need a cup of something one day as well.

Last week, when I visited Brantley my desire to help others was sent into overdrive.

The Brantley Volunteer Fire Department's Chief Harry Driggers informed me that they were holding a fill the boot drive this weekend. At first I was interested in writing a story, but when I found out that the proceeds raised benefited the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), I was interested in helping during the drive.

Driggers later took me on a tour of the fire department, which I must say is one of the nicest volunteer facilities I've been in. I used to be a volunteer fireman in high school and Brantley's facilities made ours look like a joke.

After my tour of the facility and brief tutorial of the fire and rescue trucks, Driggers gave me a fill the boot drive t-shirt. I knew he was just giving me the shirt as a gift, but I couldn't take it without feeling guilty.

Why did I need it if I didn't help out during the drive?

So I did what I felt was the right thing to do and volunteered my time this Friday. I can't help out too long because of my obligations at the paper, but I'll be there from about

4 p.m. to around 5:30 p.m.

Last year, the fire department raised $3,500 for the MDA. It held its first of two boot drives July Fourth weekend and raised $4,400. The firemens' goal is $5,000.

"We're going to get our $5,000 if we have to put it in ourselves," Driggers said.

"We're going to make our goal."

Driggers said Fourth of July and Labor Day are the best holidays to collect because of beach-bound travelers taking Hwy. 331.

Fire Departments throughout the nation hold boot drives throughout the year. Labor Day weekend is the end of all drives.

The fire department will start collecting donations at 3 p.m.

and continue until 5:30 p.m. at the red light in downtown Brantley on Friday. Saturday the firemen will start at 8 a.m. and finish at 11:30 a.m.

One of the departments' fire trucks will be draped with a big sign encouraging motorists to give donations.

So do the right thing when you drive through Brantley and donate to the worthy cause.

Adam Prestridge is editor of The Luverne Journal. He can be reached at 335-3541 or via email at adam.prestridge@