Injustice, cost of living out of hand
Published 12:00 am Saturday, August 10, 2002
We’ve reached the point in this great nation where, in many instances, murder is nothing more nor less than a misdemeanor.
The legal profession has such a mishmash of conflicting laws on the books that loopholes found there are as commonplace as are generic medicines on the druggist’s shelf.
If you lump all the dodges provided in federal and state codes of law, then a slick lawyer has immediately at hand the means with which, in numerous cases, he can &uot;spring&uot; his (guilty) client – the defendant.
No matter what the charges, from misdeeds to felonies, they may be absolved in many courtrooms.
The above possibilities are the bane of good, moralistic attorneys who simply want justice meted out with a level hand, by jurors and judges alike.
The key word above is &uot;loopholes,&uot; creations in which an uncounted number of injustices have been perpetrated in American halls of justice throughout the land. As said earlier, the practice of this type of activity is a commonplace occurrence.
With little or no transition, we turn our attention abruptly to the non-ending rise in the cost of medicine (generic and non-generic alike) designed specifically for the wellness of individuals.
As my late friend ‘Sugar’ Ryan (pharmacist) once said, the cost of drugs is on an elevator – it keeps going higher and higher, and there is no end in sight.
We find this to be passing strange when those in the northern states can simply cross the border into Canada and purchase the prescribed medicines for a fraction of the cost that exists stateside.
It’s just unfortunate that folks in the &uot;deep&uot; south are not as accessible to that utopian situation as are our northern neighbors.
We fervently hope a stopping point will be reached, and we’ll soon see the climbing prices go into reverse.
This applies not only to the pharmaceutical sector, but to other necessities as well, including food, electricity and other vital services.